The world's shaking with the love of God
Great and glorious, let the whole Earth sing
And all you ever do is change the old from new
People we believe that...
Clouds are breaking, heaven's come to earth
Hearts awakening let the church bells ring
And all you ever do is change the old from new
People we believe that...
God is bigger than the air I breathe
The world we'll leave
God will save the day and all will say
My glorious!
I'm back!!! after stopping for awhile.. lol.. it's always good to keep everyone in suspense.. :)
THIS IS A NEW SEASON!! my topic for today's blog post..
I have just graduated, and have just found a job.. and I've just involved myself in a Ministry that i never ever saw myself doing.. lol.. God really is Funny.. and.. I LET GO OF A MINISTRY THAT I SAW MYSELF DOING IN THE LONG TERM!! haha.. Good joke.. lol.. but i like IT!!
But He's been really good in helping me to handle my problems.. like i'm so new in so many things, and i get really insecure so often.. probably because my job is really a Make IT of Break IT kinda thing.. so, yeah.. God i really thank You that Your words are always true..
I'm always reminded of this verse that a friend sent to me when i first started working, and i still remember it till today.. I really hope that you readers who just started working will be encouraged too.. Danny, Aileen! haha
Matthew 6
25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
28 “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; 29 and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
ultimately, i think the whole passage speaks for itself.. no verse is less important than those in BOLD, but i just highlight it so that you can see more clearly the JUICE in the passage.. haha.. anyways, So powerful, right? amazing how a little encouragement by a friend can impact someone when he really needs it..
haha.. resign d.. really stupid.. one month d, they haven't even prepared me my name card, name tag, i never received proper training, nothing! so i decided to quit.. i'm now working on my new job.. hehe.. stay tuned to see what i'm up to! lol..
anyways, i went out to buy a couple of CDs and a new bible from Salvation.. all of it cost me a bomb.. but it's really a good investment.. I bought Kari Jobe, Israel Houghton, and Hillsong.. all of them are really good.. i bought two Israel albums.. and both of them really rocked.. :P
i've been really busy.. sorry to all my fans.. i wasn't busy khau-ing girls, nor was i dead.. i was just plain busy.. haha.. just wanna take some time off.. skipped work today, which was totally awesome.. i only needed one day from work and i'm happy again! :)
anyways, will update real soon!
see ya!
woww.. i just realised that i have not updated my blog for 13 days.. haha.. anyways.. have been very busy.. Kelvyn got me and the guys a deal to play at Hard Rock Hotel.. haha.. how nice!.. :)
so, yea, you guessed it! i've been busy shuffling my bank work, music work, and God's work..
please remember me in prayer, as this time, i really need God's strength to keep me going.. :)
tobi out.. :)
xtweeting soon!x
So! after not blogging for so long, today i will talk about my first day at work..
I was extremely nervous as this is the first day of the first time i'm getting a proper job.. woke up at 7.. pangsai-ed and bathed.. wore my clothes.. new shoes, new socks, new pants.. ooh.. i thought i looked good! :)
Went to Arati for breakfast.. There, I met my former sunday school teacher, good friend's aunt, and a church member- Aunty Hun Lin.. told her about my job, and she wished me luck.. Also met some juniors from high School, St Xavier's..
Drove to work.. arrived there half an hour earlier.. had nothing to do.. had a good walk around Beach Street.. lol.. was so 'gong' cuz i was walking with my tie, and a back-pack.. damn hot.. Yes! I was, Still Am! :)
I went into the office at 8.45am.. An Indian lady by the name of Rachel seated me at the conference room.. she asked me to wait while she gets me my offer letter and some documents.. I waited.... and waited.... and waited... 9.15, people are already coming into the office.. she came in and asked me to wait awhile more.. so i waited... 9.45 she came in and took me out, sat me on a cubicle by the corner and left me there till 11.. saw an old friend at my workplace too.. Jorgie.. was so surprised to see him there.. cutting out all the rubbish, 12.45 come, my boss asked me to go in with the rest for briefing.. didn't understand quarter of what they were saying.. lol.. but it's ok.. first time ma.. :)
went for lunch till 2.. waited and did nothing.. that Rachel lady asked me to wait for at least 15 times before she finally passed me my offer letter and documents at 3.45!!!! what the.. haha.. she so can't be trusted.. lol.. she asked me to 'WAIT AWHILE' since 9, and only gave me what i wanted 7 hours later.. LOL!!!!
anyways, to sum it all up, i did nothing at work, and i'll be getting my salary for it.. yeah! will not be expecting anything till this weekend! so syok.. will bring my book there to read tomorrow.. >.<
hehe... so happy that i got a job at last.. :)
so excited.. first day of work will be on tuesday..
any advice? :)
This is my mom..
She is upset..
Does she look fierce here?
Some things that ppl do just make her unhappy..
When she came to my comp today,
She noticed that there were no blog updates from any of my friends..
Seriously, she's not happy..
So, you guys better blog on the following Saturday..
She says 'Goodbye'..
Finally, there are some stuff to decorate my blog with.. lol.. :)

From Left: Alvin, The Legendary Daniel Chan Ming Charn, The Cutest-Gaya-est Member Drummer Alwyn, Tsu and ME!!! :) how cute..

Okay.. the poster said it all.. I would like to encourage all to come for this meeting, as you will definitely see the hand of God move through our prayers.. We combine worship, prayer and intercession at the same time.. If you're curious of how to do it, this will be the time.. If you're not curious, still come.. No harm right?..
There will be a team of intercessors from Korea coming just to pray for our church.. As you come, do expect God and God only.. For He is the One who is gonna do EVERYTHING!!
It was busy, as you can see, not much blog posts.. haha..
some of the highlights are:
no highlights..
yeah.. there is one..
Manchester United sent a team consisting of mostly new players and they did very well.. other than the fact that Ben Foster can't kick the ball.. like serious.. haha..
and Liverpool played like kids.. praise you Jesus.. way to go, Spurs!!
just got back from an interview at Adecco.. well.. not really an interview la.. they're gonna help me get a job on my behalf.. haha..
that's all for now..
- lots of pimples on my forehead..
- extremely easy-to-style hair..
- gain fat..
- no more emo..
- i dunno..
Wait.. How in the world could i phrase those two words together?.. lol..
Last time, i used to be very traumatic of some things.. One which really took a hold on me was the fear of someone PPK(ok.. what's the correct word for this?.. haha.. i dunno.. lol..)-ing me.. e.g.- someone would agree going out tomorrow with me today.. then the next day, he would tell me that he's sorry, and he's not going already.. My worse experience was that I got PPK-ed by this person 4 times in a week.. And all 4 times, he/she told me that he/she didn't wanna go only 5 minutes before I leave home.. Lol.. so many times, I get really down, disappointed, discouraged, (why does it all start with the D alphabet?.. haha..) etc..
I believe that this happens because I tend to have high expectations of someone, that when they ppk me, I get mad, frustrated, can't sleep?.. sounds familiar?..
Today i got ppk-ed again.. But I wasn't disappointed or sad.. Maybe I have already started to lose dependency on human, cuz after all, we're just humans right?.. and humans are weak.. haha..
Anyways, if you have a very hard time going through this same problem, I do hope that you'll learn how to let go and not carry this in your heart, cuz it's really painful..
Last night, I dreamt that i was at the bench at Old Trafford, wearing Manchester United's new jersey with all the other players.. We were playing against Aston Villa.. Just a dream anyways.. I think i Ku-Ku d.. lol
hmm.. since i ran out of ideas of what songs to do, why not you all suggest me some songs to do.. of course, songs that can be done with either guitar or piano.. don't ask me do songs like Poker Face la, bla bla la.. whatever...
anyways, do post a comment here if you have any requests, i'll try to get it done.. :)
p.s.- requests posted in cbox will not be entertained..
love you all..
Dunno why lately i get moody so easily.. Why do i have to face such a person at home? He keeps acting innocent, but deep within, everyone knows what he has done.. I really can't take it anymore.. I'm gonna explode anytime now.. It's just so hard listening to him making his ridiculous noise everyday.. Why am i put to such a hard test compared to others? WHY?
Can i know if there is anyone out there who cares?
Today has been exciting.. :) lemme journal with time.. :)
8.00am - woke up and played Street Fighter 4.. lol..
9.00am - house no water.. need to bathe from the kept water in the tank..
9.30am - went out and fetched Daniel.. bought breakfast.. noticed that the person selling currypuff is Malay mixed Chinese.. didn't know what language to speak to him.. awkward.. :P
10.00am - fetched Daniel to Trinity Methodist Church.. SAND was in charge of worship leading.. lol.. was an interesting experience.. come on.. METHODIST CHURCH!!.. haha.. how interesting is that.. :)
1.00pm - we were treated lunch by the church members.. ate at Penang Sports Club.. Aaron and Raymond were checking out the girls at the next table.. lol.. i was busy eating all the way.. :)
2.30pm - went to Starbucks with Raymond to discuss some worship team stuff.. tried Caramel Machiatto for the first time.. I LIKED IT!!.. :)
4.00pm - headed to GBC for worship practice.. was a lil tiring..
7.00pm - went over YeeVonne's place to go dinner together.. while waiting for Hannah to arrive, i met and got to know the Thai missionaries who are staying at her place for 10 days.. pretty nice people.. I ALWAYS LOVED THAILAND!! :)
8.00pm - set out for dinner at James Foo.. Hannah only coming later.. :( so, it's me, daniel and yeevonne.. :)
8.30pm - Hannah came and ordered her food.. and Daniel was so kind to say that Hannah is only 21 years old.. :)
10.00pm - came home.. tired.. in the words of Tai Howe, it would be 'Tea-Rat'.. lol..
11.00pm - writing this blog post while my mind is empty..
11.30pm - should be sleeping already..
12.00pm - yeah.. i said should be sleeping d.. why you still read on? please don't disturb my sleep!!! :)
blogger on strike!!
Once in RPM, i met Jac.. It was Jac's first time in RPM and Jac doesn't know what to do with the bicycle.. I helped Jac to set up Jac's bike.. I've never met Jac since then.. I saw Jac again today.. But I didn't remember Jac at the first glance.. Later on, I went to the treadmill where Jac is and introduced myself.. Jac did the same, Jac happens to be from Tar College, which is previously my college.. Had a nice chat until Jac had to leave for Personal Training.. It was nice being able to meet a new friend.. I do hope that I can introduce Jac to a blessing that will change Jac's life completely.. SOON.. :)
Last night, or rather this morning, I had a really weird dream of someone i really hope to be dreaming of, the meaning is REALLY CLEAR, but i don't know what it is.. Weird right?.. Haha.. God, what are you trying to say? Please tell me.. I hope what happened in the dream is of You, and not merely fantasy.. :)
I got so excited that i can't sleep after that, keep thinking about the dream.. T-T
Anyways, i'm heading to the gym now.. Anyone interested to go with me? I can bring you in.. Hehe
this post is specially dedicated to a few of my friends.. hehe.. just have some things to say to them..
Danny - congrats upon your graduation.. hehe.. enjoy your last day with your ex-classmates..
Gary - whatever your decision is, just go for it and believe that God will be with you.. but make sure that the decisions you made are what God wants for you..
Tai Howe - dun get laid yet.. it's not cool.. haha..
tobijoey out
last time while working, Daniel intro-ed me this song.. since then, i fell in love with it totally.. the lyrics are just so touching.. since i just started blogging again, i decided to record this song for my friends who have left Penang.. LOVE YOU ALL!! enjoy..
this song is like so meaningful.. i'm so gonna sing this to my (un)lucky wife on our wedding day.. :)
Car door slams, it's been a long day at work
I'm out on the freeway and I'm wondering if it's all worth
The price that I pay, sometimes it doesn't seem fair
I pull into the drive and you're standing there
And you look at me
And give me that come-here-baby smile
It's all gonna be alright
You take my hand
You pull me close and you hold me tight
It's the sweet love that you give to me
That makes me believe we can make it through anything
'Cause when it all comes down
And I'm feeling like I'll never last
I just lean on you 'cause baby
You're my better half
They say behind every man is a good woman
But I think that's a lie
'Cause when it comes to you I'd rather have you by my side
You don't know how much I count on you to help me
When I've given everything I got and I just feel like giving in
And you look at me
And give me that come-here-baby smile
It's all gonna be alright
You take my hand
Yeah you pull me close and you hold me tight
Well, you take my hand
Yeah you pull me close and I understand
It's the sweet love that you give to me
That makes me believe that we can make it through anything
Oh baby, it's the sweet love that you give to me
That makes me believe we can make it through anything
'Cause when it all comes down
And I'm feeling like I'll never last
I just lean on you 'cause baby
You're my better half
well. I'm BACK!! RPM class was awesome.. Didn't expect to meet Julian today.. went for sauna and steam bath after that.. A cup of Nescafe has always been a must after every good work-out session.. hehe.. Updated myself on Premier League stuffs.. :)
so hungry.. :( waiting for mummy to come home.. while talking to Josh.. :)
Good Afternoon JESUS!! Teach me how to be more like you today..
p.s.- just like the title, feeling like Pangsai-ing now.. how nice.. :)
tobijoey out
Woke up earlier today.. 7AM!!! haha.. it is dark and rainy today.. Did my devotion and went down for breakfast.. Bacon and Eggs! :) I don't know what to do now.. so early.. lol.. Waiting to attend my RPM class at 10AM.. :) meanwhile, i shall watch Smallville!! :)
Woke up early at 8 this morning.. My phone was ringing and i saw my mom still sleeping.. She's had a headache.. :( Made bacon, bread sucked, washed up, went out to get some pills for her.. Went for BodyPump class.. It was nice.. My whole body's aching now..
Had my brunch at TuSai Chicken Rice a.k.a. PigShit a.k.a. Corner Chicken Rice a.k.a. Tanjung Bungah Cafe(so many names.. dunno what to call it.. lol..) before i headed back home for Batman Begins and a short noon nap..
Now I'm here picking up my blogging pace and waiting for someone to IM me.. :)
God, speak to me today.. Teach me how to be a blessing to someone right where I am.. Amen..
tobijoey out..
Well, it's been a good 10 months since i took a break from the blogging world.. suddenly do miss it, cuz deep inside, it itches.. :P I just feel that this time, it will be different.. i don't know.. 10 can symbolize so many things.. e.g.-
The 10 Commandments?
The 10 Plagues? woah
or even The 10 Virgins.. haha.. just being totally random.. lol
but i do really hope that this time around, i'll be able to speak my mind more clearly and what's spoken will be words of edification to the Body Of Christ..
Feels good to be back.. wee!!!
READ ON!! :)
about this boy
I believe in the supernatural
I stand for the cause which i live for
I live for Jesus..
I love guitars
I love my family
I would love to have a dog in the future
I love to talk..
I love to put smileys at the end of my messages
I support Manchester United
I laugh a lot
I play a lot..
I am attracted to 'good-girl' type of girls
I have long hair
I have cravings for coffee in the morning
I serve at!!
- WORK!!
- Nobody blogs on a Saturday..
- What did i do last night?
- Pictures!!
- PenHop and FPBC Prayer Meeting!
- My weekend..
- post sickness symptoms..
- Trauma vs. Expectations
- Extremely Weird Dream
- Song Requests!!
- Bad mood...
- Happy Day!
- Jac
- Dream
- to my friends...
- Can't Stop Loving You
- Keith Urban - You're My Better Half
- Feeling like Pangsai..
- Raining on Thursday
- Silent Wednesday..
- 10 months...
My Blog List
To Do's8 years ago
Hitchin Lavender, Hertfordshire8 years ago
Our Last Goodbye - Part I9 years ago
frefrde14 years ago
Improvement14 years ago
Becoming a Daddy14 years ago
For your laughter14 years ago
Happy New Year!!15 years ago