Wait.. How in the world could i phrase those two words together?.. lol..

Last time, i used to be very traumatic of some things.. One which really took a hold on me was the fear of someone PPK(ok.. what's the correct word for this?.. haha.. i dunno.. lol..)-ing me.. e.g.- someone would agree going out tomorrow with me today.. then the next day, he would tell me that he's sorry, and he's not going already.. My worse experience was that I got PPK-ed by this person 4 times in a week.. And all 4 times, he/she told me that he/she didn't wanna go only 5 minutes before I leave home.. Lol.. so many times, I get really down, disappointed, discouraged, (why does it all start with the D alphabet?.. haha..) etc..

I believe that this happens because I tend to have high expectations of someone, that when they ppk me, I get mad, frustrated, can't sleep?.. sounds familiar?..

Today i got ppk-ed again.. But I wasn't disappointed or sad.. Maybe I have already started to lose dependency on human, cuz after all, we're just humans right?.. and humans are weak.. haha..

Anyways, if you have a very hard time going through this same problem, I do hope that you'll learn how to let go and not carry this in your heart, cuz it's really painful..


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