Woke up early at 8 this morning.. My phone was ringing and i saw my mom still sleeping.. She's had a headache.. :( Made bacon, bread sucked, washed up, went out to get some pills for her.. Went for BodyPump class.. It was nice.. My whole body's aching now..

Had my brunch at TuSai Chicken Rice a.k.a. PigShit a.k.a. Corner Chicken Rice a.k.a. Tanjung Bungah Cafe(so many names.. dunno what to call it.. lol..) before i headed back home for Batman Begins and a short noon nap..

Now I'm here picking up my blogging pace and waiting for someone to IM me.. :)

God, speak to me today.. Teach me how to be a blessing to someone right where I am.. Amen..

tobijoey out..

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